Client: Multiplex Construction Europe Ltd. and NHS Lothian
Funded by: NHS Lothian Charity’s Tonic Arts Programme
Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity

Wonder draws out the multifaceted use of distraction. Distraction has traditionally been associated with children’s services, and in this project, the benefits to service delivery have been extended to specific aspects of adult services. Distraction is widely understood to be a vital aspect of the patient pathway, particularly in the context of treatment and also in relation to staying and waiting in hospital.


Restaurant: Garden of Dreams

Emma Varley’s ‘Garden of Dreams ’ in the hospital restaurant is open to all and provides the chance for a moment of reflection and calm.


Imaging rooms were enhanced by David Galletly with graphic narratives providing distraction for equipment and room surfaces.

The Pod and RHCYP Waiting and Dining Areas

Daniel and William Warren of Warren Design led the design for the Pod and Waiting Spaces based on the theme of ‘Journeys of the Imagination’.

Multi-Sensory Design and Distraction

Alex Hamilton and Dr Oli Mival developed a projection system for forty-six treatment rooms throughout the hospital, providing a programme of bespoke and selected of tailored short films and projections.