East Street Public Realm Strategy

Ginkgo is part of a multidisciplinary team, led by urbanists McGregor Coxall for Bedminster BID, to develop a vision and public realm masterplan for East Street in Bristol’s Bedminster.

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Our emerging approach is to form a creative skills development/transfer programme, based around artists and/or designers working with local individuals/organisations to develop a lexicon or series of art/craft/design-led projects to help promote street and community identity.

The focus of the project is the section of East Street with restricted vehicular access, running between Cannon Street and Dalby Avenue. The project will also consider how to better integrate with neighbouring areas, including walking routes to proposed new developments to the south of East Street. The project will be broken down into two phases. During stage one, we will undertake research and analysis, covering varied methods of engagement from online surveys and public opinion via the interactive map, as well as wider engagement with traders and local community groups. Stage two will see a concept design created. Taking the learnings from phase one, the team will create a strategic concept plan to visualise the future look and feel of East Street, including different options to movement and the layout of the street.

 Find out more about the masterplan here.